We are a Christian preschool and elementary school located in Bend, Oregon
Eastmont School exists to help our students form a Biblical worldview and grow in their identity in Christ to be equipped as leaders. We inspire students to reach their full potential in a safe Christian environment while challenging them academically.
(2 class options: M/W/F 9:00-11:30 or T/TH 9:00-11:30):
Our 3’s program is intended to introduce students to the foundational parts of school. They are introduced to a classroom environment, and begin learning self-control, sharing and how to communicate with others, as well as academic foundations. Each day they share a Bible story and prayer time, and once a week the students participate in a Spanish lesson taught by our Spanish specialist. Our academic curriculum consists of many different topics:
● Recognizing numbers 1-10
● One to one correspondence
● Classifying objects
● Colors, shapes and sizes
● Letter recognition (Zoo-Phonics)
● Name recognition
(3 class options: M/W/F 9:00-11:45, M/W/F 12:45-3:30, & T/TH 9:00-12:45):
In our 4’s program we provide our students with many learning based centers and activities, along with structured teaching time. Our teachers concentrate on early reading (Zoo-Phonics) and math skills, as well as having a weekly Spanish lesson taught by our Spanish specialist. Every day we have “Jesus Time”, which is a combination of both Bible stories and prayer time. Our academic curriculum consists of many different topics. Our main focuses are:
● Recognizing numbers 1-10 and counting 1-20
● One to one correspondence
● Classifying Objects
● Colors, shapes and sizes
● Letter recognition and sounds
● Name writing
● Story retell (oral language)
● Familiarity with all aspects of the calendar (month, day, year)
(M-F 9:00-12:30): Our Jr. Kindergarten program is designed for 5 yr. old students who are not quite ready either socially, academically or age wise for Kindergarten. We use a variety of methods to teach the children about Jesus including Bible lesson and scripture memorization. We have 30 minutes of Spanish each week. Our academic curriculum includes:
● Alphabet recognition, sounds, formation and matching capitals and lower case letters
● Recognition, formation and order of numbers 1-20
● Math concepts such as patterning, sorting and classifying, 1-1 correspondence, sequencing, adding, subtracting and money
● LIfe cycles, space, properties of light, air and water, birds, sea creatures, bugs, amphibians, dental health, hygiene, 5 senses, holidays...and much more!
*Jr. Kindergarten enrollment is based on teacher recommendation.

“Eastmont prepared me to stand with confidence in my faith and a desire to see others come to Jesus.”