When can I register my child?
Open Enrollment will begin February 14, 2025 at 8:00am and will end at 12:00pm on February 21, 2025. All enrollment applications will be completed online. An enrollment link will be posted on our school website once Open Enrollment begins.
Will I know right away if I have a spot?
No. You will receive an email after you register letting you know we received your application. After the Open Enrollment period has ended, we will let you know if your student has been enrolled in a class or put on a class waiting list. We use our Priority Admissions Policy to place students into any available class spots.
Do I have to pay the application fee?
When do I pay the enrollment fee?
Do you have a waiting list?
Yes. The application fee is $25.00/student. You can pay online with eCheck (you will need your bank’s routing and account number, which can be found on the bottom of your checks) or credit/debit. If you pay with a credit/debit card there is a 2% service fee. The application fee is non-refundable and your application will not be considered without payment.
Once you have been enrolled, you will have one week to pay your enrollment fee to secure your spot. $100/student or $200/Family. The enrollment fee is non-refundable.
Yes. Once a class is filled we will begin a waiting list. We will let you know if your student is placed on the waiting list. Wait
If you have any questions please contact the school office at office@eastmontschool.com.